Circle fund fund party branch organizes party members and cadres to go to Shandong Provincial Integrity Education Center for discipline and clean government education

Category:Operation Management         Release Time:2019-09-18         Number of Browse:0


In order to promote the education of the mission, we must guide the education of the mission, and guide the cadres and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and strengthen their awareness of discipline. Recently, the party branch of the fund group organized all party members and cadres to go to the provincial clean government education center for discipline and clean government education.

The event focused on strengthening political discipline and political rules, integrity and self-discipline. Through listening to lectures, watching physical presentations and graphic videos, participants received a profound and memorable discipline and integrity education. All party members and cadres conscientiously studied General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on strictly administering the party to the party and strengthening the party's work style and building a clean and honest administration. They recalled that our party actively explored and continuously strengthened discipline construction and provided a strong guarantee for the victory of revolution, construction and reform. In the course of the course, we have an in-depth understanding of the deployment and achievements of the province's comprehensive and strict governance of the party, the party's work style and clean government, and the anti-corruption struggle, and accepted the excellent traditional culture of clean government. By watching the typical cases of serious violations of law and discipline, the criminals' confession videos and the integrity education films investigated by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Administration, and using the law to explain the law, we have received a profound warning education. In particular, the dialogue between the young girl and the corrupt official father in the stage special drama "Say Low", the multimedia holographic theater "Practice" shows the human condition, the beauty, the money, the power, and the soul of all comrades is strongly shocked. From the bottom of my heart, I rang the alarm that refused to resist corruption.

Branch secretary Li Wei shared the feeling of visiting: Through today's clean government education, I deeply realized that from leadership to prisoners, it is often one step away, one step away, there is no regret in life, we can not use our own political life, youth, The freedom of life and the perfect family to exchange for the body outside the body. As the party branch secretary of the Circle Fund, I deeply realized that the party's style and clean government construction proposed by the Party Central Committee is related to the people's heart, and it is very timely and profound about the success or failure of the cause. For the issue of honesty and self-discipline, we must grasp two things: one is to be a clerk, the other is to be clean, that is, to be both diligent and inexpensive. It is necessary to treat these two articles together and stand up to the test and establish a good image.

Party member Gu Wenchao said: Participation in this discipline and clean government education has been deeply shocked. On the one hand, I saw a case of shocking corruption. I saw that the comrades who were so bloody and smug, but now they have lost their feelings and hate deeply. They are deeply sorry, they must use them as a guide, the alarm bells are long, clean and self-disciplined; We have also seen the spirit of our Party’s continuous progress and arduous struggle since its establishment, and it has strengthened its firm belief in listening to the party’s words and always following the party. In the future work, we must not forget the original heart, keep in mind the mission, base on our position, and be a qualified Communist Party member.

Party member Nie Rongfei said: Through today's visit and study and a lively case, I deeply realized that as a member of the Communist Party, we must always strictly demand ourselves and strictly abide by the party's discipline. Many leading cadres who have made a big mistake start from some insignificant little moves in their daily work. They are lucky, their private desires are expanding, and they are gradually plunged into the situation of being investigated and dealt with by the party and the state, causing huge losses to the country, society and people. It is irreparable for yourself and the family. The integrity and self-discipline of party members is related to the party’s authoritative image in the masses of the people. We must be upright, strictly abide by the party’s discipline, and always think about the training of corruption, starting from our position, starting from now, and keeping the party members advanced. Sex, diligent and diligent, doing things clean and honest.

The visit lasted more than two hours. Everyone said that through study and study, they were deeply educated and deeply shocked. They not only enriched the knowledge of clean government culture, but also strengthened their awareness of honesty and self-discipline. They also strengthened their ideals and beliefs and improved party spirit. In the future work, we must further improve political positions and political enlightenment, profoundly learn the lessons of typical cases of violation of laws and regulations, keep a clear head, strictly enforce the provisions of honesty and self-discipline, and consciously build an ideological and moral defense line that resists corruption and prevention. In the beginning, take the responsibility and make due contributions to the company.

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